Open-Minded, Closed-Minded

What is it, that can please the ego to the core of it's existence and need to feel important? To please it so strong, it will leave us unbothered by what other people do, think or feel. What is it, that really sets us free to live our lives the way we want, not the way "we should", led by other people's opinion. Is it even possible to define it?

It might be individual, as "true bliss" for everyone can be differently represented; but then we find ourselves in a situation to collectively comment someone's idea, work of art, dedication or effort, that only has a purpose to move things from a "dead spot" and offer something different; and the first things showing are humiliation, anger, bitterness and ignorance. I cannot hold myself, but to question - what kind of life is that we are living, when everything that seems to be different is straight away judged and cursed to death?

Is it possible that we are so much "buried" in a darkness of every day life, that we are constantly smothering everything that can possibly be a wake up call and way out from this enhanced circle, that is spinning for so long? On the other side, we are worshiping all the wrong things and we allowed darkness to enter even where it never should. And we made peace with that, and convinced ourselves that is fine, just because "it's everywhere" and "it has to be that way", simple as that. 

No way. Then we find ourselves in a situation to raise our voice and express the opinion, and all we're saying is: "This is bad, because it is different. I don't approve it, although I did not even invest a moment to try to understand it and possibly accept it. I don't get it, and I won't even try, because I am scared of everything that is different that I already know. If it takes a change for me to understand, why would I do it? Why would I change anything at all, when I am already adapted to majority, I fit well there, and I don't need more in my life?"

I still respect it, although I will never understand it. We choose this path for ourselves, how do we want to live, what are our thoughts about, what we are aiming for in life. But don't forget that everything we choose, brings consequences. We are not aware of it at first, we don't feel the influence straight away, but it has to show up on the surface eventually. Emotional reactions, conflicts of opinion, choosing sides - it is all justified, as long as we are trying to see the big picture, and try to understand. But it's somehow easier to judge, isn't it?

What have we turn ourselves into? Machines, robots, with purpose to complete tasks given, but from who? I will never accept that I live in a world like this. I find it very hard to believe that we are setting the world back and we keep walking backwards. Until when? Until we are completely destroyed and we fall into abyss of nonsense. And all it takes is one step forward, to divide us from something so much greater, better, and more human, before anything. 

We all have a choice to make. We decide for ourselves, but we are also to be held responsible for those choices and actions. And we have to be ready to take that responsibility, when the time comes. It makes me very sad though, that this is not something that is common to see these days and that twisted values took over what we call our home. Our heart and our mind, after all.

"I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, when people run in circles it's a very, very - mad world, mad world..."*

*Tears For Fears. The Hurting. Mad World. September 1982.

Copyright © Danijela Mališić. December 2020. All Rights Reserved.


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